Publication Opportunities
Applied Sciences – Open Access Journal
(Web of Science/SCIE, IF: 2.679 and SCOPUS indexed)
The joint special issue with the conference “Development, Reliability, Maintenance and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems”, will consider selected papers, from ICIE’2022, for being reviewed on the normal reviewing process of the journal. Manuscripts are expected to be submitted through the online system at, choosing journal “Applied Sciences” and Special Issue “Development, Reliability, Maintenance and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems”.
Submission Deadline (of the Extended Papers selected from Conference): Sept 30th, 2022
Special Issue “Design and Manufacture of Advanced Machines”
(Web of Science/SCIE, IF: 2.428 and SCOPUS indexed)
The joint special issue with the conference titled “Design and Manufacture of Advanced Machines“, will consider selected papers from ICIE’2022, to be published on the journal of Machines after regular peer-reviewing. Manuscripts are expected to be submitted through the online system at, choosing journal “Machines” and Special Issue “Design and Manufacture of Advanced Machines”.
Submission Deadline (of the Extended Papers selected from Conference): 31 October 2022.