Call for Papers
Call For
ICIE’2025 will be the 4th edition of this conference in the successful series of conferences on Innovation in Engineering.
This edition of the conference is organized by the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.
The conference will be held in June 18th-20th, 2025, in Prague – Czech University of Life Sciences, Kamycka 129, 165 00 Prague.
Accepted papers will be published by Springer as Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering series. The books of this series are submitted to, among others, ISI Proceedings (Web of Science) and SCOPUS.
Papers must be prepared using Springer guidelines, with maximum of 12 pages length. For preparing respective papers, authors must read Proceedings Guidelines for Authors and prepare papers according Springer Word Template or Springer LaTex Template.
Acceptance is based on condition that at least one author will register and present the paper at the conference.
After Reviewing Process, and respective acceptation/rejection of papers, each person can be the author / co-author of the maximum of three accepted papers.
Full paper Submission: January 08th, February 05th, 2025; Firm deadline!
Notification of Acceptance: February 12th, February 26th, 2025;
Camera Ready: February 20th, March 08th, 2025;
Registration: March 25th, 2025;
Conference days: June 18th – 20th, 2025;
ICIE’2025 will provide an excellent opportunity for presenting new results and to discuss the latest research and developments on the topics presented below.
The social and cultural program of the conference will include:
- The welcome reception that will be held at (not defined yet…).
- The gala dinner that will be held at (not defined yet…).
- A touristic tour (not defined yet…).
Submissions should be made through the Easychair submission system until January 08th, 2025
Please press the button (submission) to enter your submission or to create an Easychair account allowing for the submission of your paper.
Authors are invited to submit full papers on the following topics:
Innovation, Engineering, Systems and Applications, Societal challenges and Industrial Property
- Aerospace Technology and Astronautics
- Agricultural Processes
- Applied Mechanics
- Automotive Engineering
- Biomechanics
- Biotechnological and environmental systems
- Biotechnology
- Collaborative projects
- Control technology
- Control theory and architectures
- Decision theory and algorithms
- Discrete-event systems
- Distributed and networked control
- Dynamical Systems
- Economic models
- Engine Technology
- Engineering Design
- Engineering education
- Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer
- Entrepreneurial Academia
- Fault-tolerant control
- Fluid Mechanics
- Fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy systems
- Genetic algorithms and Nonlinear control
- Hardware for control systems
- Image processing and computer vision
- Industrial automation
- Industrial networking
- Industry-Academia interactions
- Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Instrumentation, sensors and actuators
- Internationalization
- Machinery and Machine Elements
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Manufacturing systems and scheduling
- Marine control
- Marketing and entrepreneurship
- Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Structures and Stress Analysis
- Mechanical Systems Design
- Mechanical Vibrations
- Mechatronics Design
- Mechatronics modelling, simulation and identification
- Medical Devices
- Modeling and identification
- Nanotechnology and Microengineering
- Neural networks
- Open innovation
- Optics and Optometry
- Power systems
- Precision Engineering, Instrumentation, Measurement
- Process control
- Real time systems architectures
- Rehabilitation Devices
- Remote and virtual laboratories
- Renewable energy systems
- Robotics
- Robust control
- Social and Industrial entrepreneurship
- Sustainability successful practices
- Synergy between EU research, innovation and development funds
- Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
- Transportation systems
- Tribology and Surface Technology
- Web remote control
- Wellbeing
- Wireless applications and systems